- Debian 9 (rc2) vm
- 2 vcpu / 512mb ram // 8 gb disk (1.5 gb swap)
- if using nfs for data storage
- apt install nfs-common
- setup the nfs mount in fstab etc
- chmod www-data <nfs-mounted-dir-for-nextcloud>
- apt install mariadb-server
- apt install libapache2-mod-php7 php7.0-mysql
- apt install php7.0-zip php7.0-gd php7.0-curl php7.0-mbstring php7.0-xml
if using collabora plugin for online doc editingapt install libreoffice-core libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress
- download and extract nextcloud
- chown -R www-data config
- chown -R www-data apps
- create mariadb database and user/pass
- open http://<host-ip>/ in browser and follow setup guide
- Apache/php config
- Set allowoverride all for htaccess to work
- enable opcode cache
- Setup object cache(memcache/apcu)
- Install docker
- According to this dockerd must be configured to use --storage-driver=devicemapper
- check with
docker info
- check with
- if using haproxy in front, make sure you set
option http-server-close
- read collabora guide
Links for inspecting latest docker img