Important ! After major changes to MDT remember to run e:\BackupMdtConfig.ps1 to create a snapshot of scripts and config in e:\backup
Updating applications
After adding or removing applications, remember to update the required applications in CustomSettings.ini. To ease that progress, run E:\FetchApplicationGUID.ps1 and copy the AplicationXXX lines into CustomSettings.ini (replacing the existing config)
Windows license
Override product key in customsettings.ini
View deoployed GPO's
Run rsop.msc
App Deploy fails
If mdt task sequence doesn't continue after os install + reboot, it can restarted with
- Start a cmd as administrator
- cd \minint\scripts
- cscript litetouch.wsf
MDT restarts
iF MDT starts with select sequence - or "Gather local only", it can be resolved by rebuilding the WinPE image
=Delete Partitions
On re-roll it might be necessary to remove old partition Use Rufus + gparted live to create a live usb for uefi boot